To my "LOVERS" 'Ex'

You probably don't know me. But I know you, a little, Because he talks about you, more often than not. Whenever he reads a poem he wrote for you. He doesn't look me in the eye. And I understand why?.... I don't have to ears he wants to reach Whenever he talks about you. It feels like his mouth is... An overflowing basket of unwashed clothes Reeking of the days spent in your embrace. Sometimes when I guide him through the dance step He abruptly stops and walks away. To someone who wishes to put a comma after every word, every hug, every kiss. Wishing for sentence to never end, wishing for the love to never end. He looks at your pictures, like an impoverished chid looks at a family.Eating at a fast food joint from other side of the glass.Hoping that they'd turn around and look at him. Hoping that they'll ask if he's hungry. Hoping that they'll share their food and some love too. He spends his evenings alone in the balcony looking at the old couple. He adores t...